Monday, October 4, 2010

Corporate Pillars Day 105

I just finished a very busy and exciting weekend.  I was asked to show "Corporate Pillars", even though incomplete, at the Ravenswood Art Walk in Chicago this past weekend.  The first public showing.  Needless to say I was excited about the opportunity.  I am very grateful to Moss Design who extended the invitation and opened their space to me.  I also exhibited 5 other of my larger pieces.

Because of the size of the sculpture and the paintings I was exhibiting, I rented a cargo van to transport the work.  I felt this was a better idea than trying to stuff things in my car in multiple trips.  This was the first time I rented a van for my art work.  It was a mini adventure.  It also gave my work some importance.  It warranted special transport.  I really like the idea that my art and my opinion of my art has evolved to the point of treating it with reverence.  All went well.

The art walk was very successful.  I met many people and I still enjoy others admiring my work.  I like talking about my work as well and I have more than enough willing listeners. 

Next to the sculpture, I place a box to collect additional business cards for the project.  I received a bumper crop of 102 business cards.  That is a new event record.  I am very pleased with the results.  Now I have to shift gears and get ready for the Pilsen Open Studios on Oct 16-17 that I am participating in.  I am curious how far I can push the sculpture in the next two weeks.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Corporate Pillars Day 101

I haven't posted an update on the "Corporate Pillars" project in a while.  Since Day 78 to be exact.  Fortunately, I am exhibiting in 4 different places in October so the last few weeks have been getting ready for those show while continuing to collect business cards and construct the sculpture.

I am very proud to announce that this afternoon, I installed the incomplete sculpture of 2704 business cards at Moss Design in Chicago as part of the Ravenswood Art Walk taking place Oct 2-3, 11am-5pm.  The sculpture is beginning to take form at roughly 27% complete.

The construction of the arches was a challenge but I believe I worked out the bugs and the next set of arches will go much quicker.  Construction aside however, I am really enjoying getting out, meeting new people and talking about the project while asking for business cards.  I have been to professional brunches and networking events.  I have attended Chamber of Commerce meetings.  I'm hoping to attend more networking type events physically and online to continue to bring in more business cards.

Another fun aspect of collecting the business cards is in the past week I have received several hundred business cards from people who I do not directly know or met.  These are people who have responded to my call for donations on the Internet.  I have received letters containing one card to 100 cards.  Each morning I check my mail at the studio in anticipation of how many letters and how many cards may have come in.  It is a rush.

As of today, I have received 3899 business cards.  This is nearly enough to complete the second stage of the sculpture.  I am behind in tracking the number of individuals and number of cities.  I hope to catch up early next week.  It is over 1200 people and 150 cities but being a bit detailed orientated, I want to know exact numbers.

For those in Chicago this weekend, please stop by and see the incomplete sculpture.  It is cool to see it in this state.  Thank you to all those who have donated (names listed on my website).   To those first hearing about the project, please send me your business cards.  A complete project description and mailing information can be also found on my site.

Please pass this information on to those who may find this an interesting project by email, Facebook or Twitter.  Thanks in advance!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Corporate Pillars Day 78

I had a relaxing weekend.  I spent most of my time running errands and catching up with friends.  Saturday night I had dinner with my friend Tim.  Chinese food.  I hadn't had chinese food in a while.  The restaurant also does sushi.  Next to the take out menus by the door they had business cards, one for the chinese side, one for the sushi side.  I took one of each.

Then, later that evening, Tim and I decided to get a night cap and we ran into Young and Clement who I had brunch with earlier in the day.  Young had found 2 additional business cards from one of his associates. 

That was 4 for the weekend.

Then this morning, I found one more card on the stairs while I was walking up to my studio.  I know have collect 1918 business cards since I began this project.

I worked on the sculpture some today but it was mostly a painting kind of day.  I did complete the 8th and 9th levels add begin the finishing work on the arches.  I'll post pictures tomorrow with the weekly update

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Corporate Pillars Day 75

Today is Day 75 of the Corporate Pillars business card sculpture project.  Two weeks ago, I ran into my friends Young and Clement at a street fair.  It had been a few months since we last saw each other.  While catching up with each other, I mentioned the business card sculpture and both said they had business cards they could donate to the cause.  Schedules being what they are these days, we finally met up this morning for brunch. 

The timing was perfect.  I had enough time to drop of the paintings at the studio and grab my ladder before meeting them on the other side of town.  Brunch was a blast!  Too many cups of coffee later, I left learning about the system used by a major airline employees to book flights.  Both guys travel a lot for that fact both work for an airline is no big surprise.  It was fun listening to their corporate stories.  I am very much removed from that world but it played in perfectly to the sculpture project.  Young did have one request.  He asked that I put one of his cards at eye level.  I don't think that will be an issue.

After brunch, I ran to the hardware store to pick up some ceiling paint.  I still have hopes of painting at least one ceiling if not two this holiday weekend.  If I do, I will still be on schedule to sell my condo this Fall.

In meeting Young and Clement for brunch, I recieved an additional 382 business cards for the project.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Corporate Pillars Update Week 4

# of Business Cards Received this Week:  596
Total # of Business Cards Received: 1234
# of Cards in the sculpture: 1007
# of People Represented: 540
# of Cities: 75
# of Completed Levels: 6 (7 & 8 partial)
# of Hours: 23

During Week 4, I became aware of the magnitude of the project I started. I crossed the 1000 card milestone and I realized that I truly only began constructing. With a need of 4000-5000 additional cards, I have to increase the promotion of the sculpture and myself in order to collect the remaining cards.

I must admit that each morning I am excited to come to the studio and check the mail. Seeing a letter for me which may contain a business card or two (or more) has become very fun. I quickly open the letter to see the card design and where it is from. Unfortunately, some don't always have a return address or name so I can't give credit and thanks to the sender. Regardless, it is fun.

I also enjoy the meditative state I achieve when constructing the main levels of the sculpture. There is not much brain power required for these levels, just action. Repetitive action. I get lost in the action, especially early in the morning when the building is quiet and no music is playing (the norm in my studio).

As usual, I am still soliciting business cards. I have to collect 4500 more, give or take. If you have not yet donated or know someone who would be interest in the project, please visit the project description for the full details.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Corporate Pillars Update Week 2

# of Business Cards Received this Week:  573

Total # of Business Cards Received: 614

# of Cards in the sculpture: 427

# of People Represented: 264

# of Cities: 65

# of Completed Levels: 5

# of Construction Hours: 11

The structure began to take shape during Week 2. The support pillars are complete and now I am working on building the first arch. Construction of each floor is taking me longer than I was expecting. I am having difficulties keeping each level square with the level below.

In addition to the construction, I am still looking for business card donors. I estimate that the tower will require 4000 more business cards. Instead of throwing away your old cards or the cards from other you have collected, please consider donating to the project and recycle the business cards.

Please visit the project description for the full details.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Corporate Pillars" Business Card Sculpture Update Week 1

# of Business Cards Received for Week 1:  20
Total # of Business Cards Received: 41
# of Cards in the sculpture:  26
# of People Represented:  26
# of Cities: 7
# of Construction Hours:  3

This week, most of my effort has been in getting the word out to begin collecting business cards from donors. I NEED THOUSANDS OF CARDS.  My focus so far has been on the Internet (Blog, Facebook, Twitter).   If you have suggestions of how to spread the word or collect additional cards, please email me at  I would love to hear your ideas.The picture to the right is beginning of the four towers that will support the sculpture. 

Please visit the project description for the full details.

Please send business cards to:
Nolan Studios
c/o Daniel Nolan
2150 S. Canalport Ave
Chicago, IL 60608