Monday, June 21, 2010

What Inspires Me?

Recently, I have been getting a similar question over and over, namely, what inspires me?  The idea of inspiration can for some take on a mystical quality and at some level I suppose it does for me as well, especially of when I think of the times when I know I am experiencing inspiration in the moment.  Unfortunately, I'm not aware it occurring often.  The frequency is increasing however, which is definitely a good thing.

A month ago, I was sitting in a Starbucks that I go to in my neighborhood when I feel the need to be around people.  I was sitting in a chair that I have sat countless times over the past 13 years I've lived in the neighborhood.  On the wall hung the typical Starbuck mass produced coffee themed art.  Something caught my eye and I stared.  First, I found it odd that I was staring at a picture I didn't particularly liked and I had seen many times over the years but something was different.  I then noticed that I was studying it intently, the color, forms and shapes, the feeling.  I took a quick picture with my cell phone and went back to my work.  Periodically, I would look back up at it.

I decided that I had to create my version of what I saw when I returned to my studio the next day.

A few weeks later, I was again at the same Starbucks and there was the picture that inspired me.  But it appeared different to me.  The colors and feeling were different compared to the last time I was there.  Thinking I may have lost my mind, I looked at the photo I took and it matched up with what I was seeing, not what I had saw.  That was when I realized that I had a moment of inspiration.  I saw something interesting, something different, than I had seen before.  Since then, I have had that experience a few more times and fortunately I am learning to pay attention to those moments. 

So, when people ask what inspires me, the answer is everything.  I don't know where it will come from or when but it often is something common and often overlooked.  I just get a chance to see it in a different way than before and that seems to be enough to trigger something in me to go with it.

On a side note, the paintings that came from my Starbucks experience do not look like the painting in Starbucks.  They are however some of the best work I have done to date.  Photos will be available shortly.  I'm in the process of having these developed as prints.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


30"w x 40"h
Resin on Canvas

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Doodle 1

"Doodle 1"
24"w x 18"h
Resin on Canvas

Friday, June 4, 2010


36"w x 36"h
Resin on Canvas

Close up of "Whole"

Thursday, June 3, 2010


36"w x 36"h
Resin on Canvas

Close up view of "Home"