I am very proud to announce that this afternoon, I installed the incomplete sculpture of 2704 business cards at Moss Design in Chicago as part of the Ravenswood Art Walk taking place Oct 2-3, 11am-5pm. The sculpture is beginning to take form at roughly 27% complete.
The construction of the arches was a challenge but I believe I worked out the bugs and the next set of arches will go much quicker. Construction aside however, I am really enjoying getting out, meeting new people and talking about the project while asking for business cards. I have been to professional brunches and networking events. I have attended Chamber of Commerce meetings. I'm hoping to attend more networking type events physically and online to continue to bring in more business cards.
Another fun aspect of collecting the business cards is in the past week I have received several hundred business cards from people who I do not directly know or met. These are people who have responded to my call for donations on the Internet. I have received letters containing one card to 100 cards. Each morning I check my mail at the studio in anticipation of how many letters and how many cards may have come in. It is a rush.
As of today, I have received 3899 business cards. This is nearly enough to complete the second stage of the sculpture. I am behind in tracking the number of individuals and number of cities. I hope to catch up early next week. It is over 1200 people and 150 cities but being a bit detailed orientated, I want to know exact numbers.
For those in Chicago this weekend, please stop by and see the incomplete sculpture. It is cool to see it in this state. Thank you to all those who have donated (names listed on my website). To those first hearing about the project, please send me your business cards. A complete project description and mailing information can be also found on my site.
Please pass this information on to those who may find this an interesting project by email, Facebook or Twitter. Thanks in advance!