Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sculpture: Corporate Pillars (working title)

Do you feel invisible at work and yet know that you are productive?

I was in corporate America for 16 years and I felt like a small cog in a very large machine. I had a difficult time seeing how my daily efforts made an impact to the company, its goals and society. On occasion, I felt like cattle being herded into my office cubicle to do as I was told in order to satisfy the needs of the organization. I was a beast of burden. I was a human resource, not a person. I felt strip of my individuality. Yet, I am an individual and my contributions do matter. Others depended on me as I depended on others. Together, we got the job done.

Although I have made the professional transition out of Corporate America, there are many aspects of the lifestyle and culture that live on within me. This sculpture is to honor my past as well as all the individuals who collectively compose the corporate culture.

What will the sculpture look like?
The sculpture will be an office tower made out of donated business cards reaching between 6-8 feet high and roughly 2 foot square at the base.

Why an office building?
The corporate office building exists to house the people who make up the corporation. It is often the symbol and prestige of the corporate organization. It is where the corporate warrior spends the majority of his/hers life, often sacrificing personal life on behave of the corporate collective. It is where money is worshipped. The office building is a modern temple.

Why build a house of cards?
When the cards are arranged in specific patterns, the cards produce a stable edifice. Individually, the cards fall under the pressure of gravity. Collectively, they can grow upward producing structurally sound and amazing results. Remove one card, however, and the entire building can collapse. There is interdependency among the individuals in order support the structure.

Why use donated business cards?
Business cards are the main construction component to represent the masses of individuals that assemble a corporation. The sculpture, like a corporation, comes to life due to the collective efforts and contributions of individuals. As workers agree to participate in the corporate structure, the donations are the agreement to participate in this sculpture.

Where can I send business cards?
Please send business cards to:

Nolan Studios
c/o Daniel Nolan
2150 S. Canalport Avenue
Chicago, IL 60608

All cards are accepted and greatly appreciated, whether it is 1 or 100, current or from a former position.

What do I get out of donating business cards?
Donors receive three things.
1.) Donors will be participating in a collective art project. It cannot exist without you.
2.) All those who donate business cards will be receive the Nolan Studios Monthly Newsletter which will track the progress of building of the sculpture as well as other art projects.
3.) In addition, your name will be added to the list of donors on the Nolan Studios web site ( The list of donors will be incorporated into the sculpture as well.

When will the sculpture be completed?
The project began on July 15, 2010. The hope is to complete the sculpture as soon as possible. The timeframe is greatly dependent on the number of donated business cards received.

How can I track progress of the sculpture?
Updates will be posted in the
1.) Nolan Studios Monthly Newsletter
2.) Tracking page on the Nolan Studios web site (
3.) Facebook Fan Page (

For additional information, please email me directly at

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