Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Corporate Pillars Update Week 4

# of Business Cards Received this Week:  596
Total # of Business Cards Received: 1234
# of Cards in the sculpture: 1007
# of People Represented: 540
# of Cities: 75
# of Completed Levels: 6 (7 & 8 partial)
# of Hours: 23

During Week 4, I became aware of the magnitude of the project I started. I crossed the 1000 card milestone and I realized that I truly only began constructing. With a need of 4000-5000 additional cards, I have to increase the promotion of the sculpture and myself in order to collect the remaining cards.

I must admit that each morning I am excited to come to the studio and check the mail. Seeing a letter for me which may contain a business card or two (or more) has become very fun. I quickly open the letter to see the card design and where it is from. Unfortunately, some don't always have a return address or name so I can't give credit and thanks to the sender. Regardless, it is fun.

I also enjoy the meditative state I achieve when constructing the main levels of the sculpture. There is not much brain power required for these levels, just action. Repetitive action. I get lost in the action, especially early in the morning when the building is quiet and no music is playing (the norm in my studio).

As usual, I am still soliciting business cards. I have to collect 4500 more, give or take. If you have not yet donated or know someone who would be interest in the project, please visit the project description for the full details.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Corporate Pillars Update Week 2

# of Business Cards Received this Week:  573

Total # of Business Cards Received: 614

# of Cards in the sculpture: 427

# of People Represented: 264

# of Cities: 65

# of Completed Levels: 5

# of Construction Hours: 11

The structure began to take shape during Week 2. The support pillars are complete and now I am working on building the first arch. Construction of each floor is taking me longer than I was expecting. I am having difficulties keeping each level square with the level below.

In addition to the construction, I am still looking for business card donors. I estimate that the tower will require 4000 more business cards. Instead of throwing away your old cards or the cards from other you have collected, please consider donating to the project and recycle the business cards.

Please visit the project description for the full details.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Corporate Pillars" Business Card Sculpture Update Week 1

# of Business Cards Received for Week 1:  20
Total # of Business Cards Received: 41
# of Cards in the sculpture:  26
# of People Represented:  26
# of Cities: 7
# of Construction Hours:  3

This week, most of my effort has been in getting the word out to begin collecting business cards from donors. I NEED THOUSANDS OF CARDS.  My focus so far has been on the Internet (Blog, Facebook, Twitter).   If you have suggestions of how to spread the word or collect additional cards, please email me at daniel@nolanstudios.com.  I would love to hear your ideas.The picture to the right is beginning of the four towers that will support the sculpture. 

Please visit the project description for the full details.

Please send business cards to:
Nolan Studios
c/o Daniel Nolan
2150 S. Canalport Ave
Chicago, IL 60608