Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Corporate Pillars Day 78

I had a relaxing weekend.  I spent most of my time running errands and catching up with friends.  Saturday night I had dinner with my friend Tim.  Chinese food.  I hadn't had chinese food in a while.  The restaurant also does sushi.  Next to the take out menus by the door they had business cards, one for the chinese side, one for the sushi side.  I took one of each.

Then, later that evening, Tim and I decided to get a night cap and we ran into Young and Clement who I had brunch with earlier in the day.  Young had found 2 additional business cards from one of his associates. 

That was 4 for the weekend.

Then this morning, I found one more card on the stairs while I was walking up to my studio.  I know have collect 1918 business cards since I began this project.

I worked on the sculpture some today but it was mostly a painting kind of day.  I did complete the 8th and 9th levels add begin the finishing work on the arches.  I'll post pictures tomorrow with the weekly update

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