Thursday, December 18, 2008

Man Cannot Live on Art Alone

I've been struggling the past month or so in finding inspiration and motivation to paint. Some days I force myself, other days I simple don't do it. I feel guilty. I try to rationalize it. If I don't feel it, I don't feel it. I also was blaming the economy. Little has sold this year so why bother. But I have to remind myself that I don't paint to sell, although that would be great. I paint because I have a creative urge that must be satisfied.

During this time period of slow creativity, I also realized that art alone was not satisfying my analytical side. I want more than art. So, I am relaunching my consulting practice that was very successful several years ago to do in conjunction with art. It will take some time away from the art but in the end, I believe my art will have more energy and life in it. Of course, time will tell.

In the meantime, my day is not split between art and consulting. Both businesses are in its infancy and a lot of work lays ahead. I am trying to break things down into workable pieces so as not become overwhelmed. I have had a tendency in the past to take on big projects, expect too much too soon and then become disappointed and drop everything when reality shows my expectations to be unrealistic. Patience and planning are definitely virtues. I'm learning that.

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