Monday, December 8, 2008

To Err is Human

This past week I was reviewing the latest recommendation from Bruce Mau's "Incomplete Manifesto for Growth" which reads "Avoid software. The problem with software is that everyone has it."

To be honest, I didn't paint or do anything creative last week at all. I didn't feel inspired. Nonetheless, a few ideas came to mind of approaches to take when my creativity returns and all were free of external "influences".

There are a few points I want to make regarding this recommendation. First, even if your creation is original, someone else could eventually copy it. Or you can copy someone else's work. Because it is reproducible mechanically, someone will reproduce it. The work will lose its its originality and uniqueness. The second point, and the more important I believe, is that a creation made with software, albeit different and/or original, lacks soul. It lacks the human element, the human touch. The imperfection that makes the artist special in the first place.

Imperfection is what makes art so perfect. It captures that very element that makes us human and shows it to the world. It also allows for perfection beyond our comprehension. Time to get our hands dirty and turn off the computer. Be human.

Next week, I will write about "Don’t clean your desk. You might find something in the morning that you can’t see tonight."

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