Monday, September 28, 2009

High Days, Low Days

I thought that having the pressure of "having" to create a certain number of paintings by a certain date was overwhelming. In all actuality, it isn't. Intellectually speaking it is a lot and I feel a sense of accountability but when I look at my actions day in and day out, I'm on a steady pace towards completion. Some days I work and several pieces, on others, only a few. There have been days when I don't touch any of them. Those days still bother me. But overall, I can seem to create on demand knowing that my level of inspiration will vary from day to day. Therefore it is becomes important that I recognize the "high level" days and push them to their maximum. Those are the days the contain insight, creative surges, inspiration, and energy. On the "low level" days, my actions are more mechanical in nature. Fortunately, one the inspiration has hit and the painting has started there are often several days of pure "implementation", the mechanical, mindless actions that are required to complete the project or at least push them forward. It becomes very, very clear when I reach a point when more inspiration and/or creativity is needed to continue. At that moment, I stop working. I wait for the next "wave".

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