Friday, September 11, 2009

New Ideas Take Time

I have an idea for a series of pieces. Actually, I've had the idea for a while now but just recently started moving on it. It is like nothing I've ever done before. Part painting, part sculpture. A vague description, I know. That is mainly due to the fact I myself am not quite sure how to do it nor how to describe it.

This past week, I made drawings of the idea. That seemed to work. So I moved on to paper minature models. After four attempts, the paper model worked too. I had some balsa wood lying around from an old project so I took that and some duct tape (gotta love duct tape) and created yet another model. I think it worked. I'm not sure. The geometry of the wood pieces wasn't as accurate as I was hoping for and duct tape, although good for adhering the pieces together, lacked the overall structural integrity the piece requires.

It is interesting to see how my past lives are creeping into my art work. I'm so geeking out on this project. My engineering background is coming back with a vengance. In addition, I'm in the process of rearranging my studio for greater effeciency. That would be my process improvement side kicking in. All in all, I'm feeling everything coming together.

I guess that is why that even though I don't have a working prototype of the new painting/sculpture and frankly have no idea how to construct it, I know that with time and perserverance, I'll get there. Now, I just have to remind myself of this on those days when not much is moving in my favor.

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