Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Frustrating Day

The hunt for a new studio space has proven to be a much bigger ordeal than I could ever have imagined.  For weeks now I have looked at studios across Chicago, north, south, west.  I calculated a budget and double and triple checked the numbers.  I measured out my current space and figured out how much space I needed and then how much space I wanted.  I backed into how my space I can currently afford, somewhere between "need" and "want". 

After weeks of searching and contemplating, I spent the last week debating two studios, apples to oranges comparison just to make things more interesting.  I have now made up my mind 3 times, second guessing myself each time.

So last night, I decided to pull the trigger and sign a lease.  I slept like a baby in spite of my seasonal allergies kicking in.  I was excited with a touch of being anxious.  Finally, I can moved on, or at least I thought.  I spent the morning completing the application, running to the bank and collecting the random pieces of paper needed for the lease signing dance.  I drove out the building which was to be my new work space imagining driving there day in and day out.  I was filled with excitement.  My first studio.  How cool!

Imagine my surprise and disappointment when I found out that the building manager wasn't there and wasn't available for the scheduled meeting.  In addition, the paperwork the application required isn't the paperwork I needed to bring.  My excitement turned to disappointment and then quickly anger.  I felt that my time was wasted and my business wasn't appreciated.  I also wondered if this is indicative of how the building is managed. 

Perhaps I seconded guessed myself too many times and the other studio is where I "should" be.  Time will tell.  I decided to take the afternoon off and not move on the studio today.  I am resisting the urge for a knee jerk reaction.  Although I am impatient and I feel that I am behind schedule, I will end up where I end up when I am suppose to end up there.  I don't want to force it.

I'm still frustrated however.  I thought I was so close.

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