Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yet More Studios to See

The search for a new studio space continues.  Playing fortune teller is not easy.  Not only is this a case of space and budget, but the neighborhood, amenities and how the space feels are also key considerations.  Also, since I work with resin, the fumes force some shared spaces out of consideration.  Bacically, when it comes down to it, there is no perfect space. 

Right now, I'm stuck in paralysis by analysis.  Given that there is not perfect space within my budget, I have to compromise.  This is where being a fortune teller is getting tricky.  I don't know what I don't know.  Having a dedicated art space is new for me.  I'm excited and I expect good things but yet I am unaware of what may lie ahead if I choose one space over another.  Simple lack of experience.  So, all I can do is work with what I know today and move forward.  The best part of a month to month lease is that I can always move if I have to.

I currently work in 250 sq ft.  This includes the area I am using for storage.  Basically my den and guest room.  I have 3 spaces in one building, 350, 400 and 450 sq ft.   Since the cost difference per month is small from the smallest to the medium size studio, I am leaning towards the 400 sq ft space.  I don't know if I will notice the extra 50 sq ft in the larger studio.  Does size matter?

So I have measured and calculated and looked at the checkbook 4 times now.  I'm going to walk away and see if any of the spaces resonated with me.  I'll keep you posted.

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