Monday, March 29, 2010

I Leased a Studio!

Well, I did it!  I found a studio space and signed a lease late last week.  I'm scheduled to move in May 1st (Happy May Day!).  The new studio is located in the Lacuna Art Lofts in the Pilsen neighborhood on the south side of Chicago.

The experience of hunting for a studio was a bit surreal.  No matter what I saw, I was unable to imagine what my work day would look like.  Then after some seemed like setbacks after making a decision, I forced myself to sit still.  I didn't look at any additional studios.  I didn't followup with any emails or voicemails regarding a space. 

Then, at the moment I thought I was back to square one (actually I felt I was even further back than that), I received a call, saw a space, and I imagined how it would work.  The images came with little coaxing.  I saw the walls that didn't exist yet, where the door would be, how I would hang the existing art, where I would place the workbench, where I would do my work, how I would store the paintings.  I even saw my new bonsai tree which I had purchased for the new space.

At the lease signing, I was excited but at piece.  Signatures were exchanged and the check slid across the table.  That was it.  Kinda anti climatic given the struggle I made of looking for a studio. 

One interesting thing I noted is that during the searching process, I didn't paint very much.  I was stressed.  I was concerned about schedules, money, getting a new exhibit, etc.  But since the lease signing, I have been painting up a storm or as much as I can given my current space limitations.

I'm still a bit nervous not knowing where the rent will come from each month but then again that is also part of the fun of this adventure.  I am experiencing many feelings at once, triggered by the new studio.  I hope I can capture some of them in my art.  Regardless, I am very grateful to have a studio.

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