Friday, June 20, 2008

I Want a Nap

All day today, my butt has been dragging. I got more than enough sleep last night and I am finally over my cold but my energy level is very low. I feel like I have narcolepsy. I just want to crash and take a nap. I went to the gym this morning to start my engine, nothing. I ate lunch early thinking that perhaps my blood sugar was low (like that ever happens). That wasn't it. I ran to Starbucks this afternoon for a cookie and coffee with no success. Today is just one of those days. Today I have to coast.

I looked at my "to do" list for the week and there are many things I didn't do or finish yet. I was feeling very guilty earlier. But I do know that I cannot force things. If I attempt to paint, or do anything creative for that matter, when I'm in this state, it wouldn't work out well. I also doubt there would be any pleasant mistakes to spur me forward or inspire me. I have to admit it. I'm void of inspiration today. The well is dry, for today. Not completely dry, I'm writing.

The day wasn't a total lost. I did do several administrative type tasks and I wrote today. I decided that since I did to things that will help overall to push things forward, today is not a waste. It is just a slow day. I have troubles giving myself permission not to be a Rock Star everyday. Sometimes I need down time. That time is today.

Tomorrow, I will try again.

But, if I look back at the week as a whole. There were some "slower" days and some very productive days. All in all, I'm ahead of where I was last Friday. I think I will focus on that. I will focus on what I did accomplish versus what I didn't. Next week, I'll do some more.

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