Friday, October 3, 2008

Stay in the Game

Another week is coming to an end. My detail work plan was not followed to the letter but many more elements were incorporated into my work day. My art pieces are still moving at a snail pace but the business aspect is getting more attention than before.

I am a bit defeated. I had two shows in September and no sales. One gallery asked to keep my work up for another month. They seem to be working a bit harder to sell my art. That is why I'm paying them a commission. So, I'm encouraged by this.

Overall, I'm still optimistic. The art path is not a straight line and seems to be taking me in directions I hadn't expected. That is good, or I at least finally came to that conclusion. Sometimes that unexpected are the best and most rewarding surprises.

I'm still feeling pressure about money. All self induced. But, in time that will alleviate itself. I will make money somehow without it negatively impacting my desire to spend as much time as I can creating art. One step builds on the last. Consistency is the key to this game. It may be the key to any game. Stay in the game, keep playing and sooner or later, things will pop.

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