Saturday, September 6, 2008

Art Exhibit Opening

Last night I had a Opening Reception for a group show I was participating in. It doesn't seem to matter how many shows I have done in the past, I'm still excited, anxious and nervous at the same time. It is fun to see my work hanging on a wall other than mine own. There is a sense of validation that my art is "good enough" to be on display and sold. In addition, that is a part of me on the wall, sometimes a raw part of me. So I also feel rather vulnerable at the same time. I want people to like my work. I want people to buy it. If they do like it and buy it, I feel pressure, albeit self induced, to do create good art again. Or even better pieces. So exhibits can be a mixed bag of emotions.

I also noticed that the idea of developing a thick skin to handle the inevitable criticism is a balancing act. If my skin is thick so negative judgements bounce right off, I may not hear the opportunities to improve going forward. Some specific criticism is a good thing. But also, more importantly, the praise and positive support from others also will bounce off if my skin is too thick. There is an optimal skin thickness to let in the positive and keep out the negative. It is kind of like wearing sunscreen at the beach. I want to feel the sun, but I don't want to get burned. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I miss a spot when applying the sunscreen and end up with a red mark for a few days. Art exhibits are very similar. I checked this morning. No red spots, no bruises.

I also find myself comparing my work to that of other artists. This, although completely natural, is also a waste of time and energy. If an artist, any artist, is being true and honest to themselves and their craft, their work by definition will be unique. That is the point. A unique perspective, in approach, content and delivery. It is comparing apples to oranges. I now try to admire other people's work and not to compare.

Overall the opening went well. I had many, many people come out to support me. I also noticed many people off the streets stopping and discussing my art work. (I always keep an eye out for which works tend to capture people's attention.) I'm very happy with the way the evening turned out. And thank you to all those who supported me (present or not).

Now, on to the next show...

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